Tuesday, February 12, 2013

School Daze

It really is a daze at times! I have to say, some things are the same as the states and some things are vastly different. Learning my students will be difficult b/c I have 53 total (27 one class and 26 in the other). I miss the older days where I only taught 10 at a time.  Many of my students share the same name. I have all girls which is a blessing from God b/c the boys here are rough. I have a Emrati principal, 2 vice principals, 1 head of faculty and a grade level chair-chain of command is rough. My school is 1 year old and very nice & huge! We have 1300 students & I get lost in the building every day, seriously! The school week here is Sunday thru Thursday, so instead of TGIF it is now SHIT (so happy it's Thursday) -don't you love it. We were given a list today of topics not to teach; one long list by the way. I had to go to the board of Ed office and get fingerprints. While there I found out we may be getting a brand new, 4 bedroom apartment for housing-sweet! How awesome is He. So far, so good. Very tired and dazed. - Jamie


  1. Loving the updates. All looks very familiar.

  2. What are some examples of what you can not teach? i am just curious.
