Monday, January 12, 2015

Health Care

Jamie had a partial hysterectomy this year and then went back for a full hysterectomy not long after.  The total cost was 50 dirham ($13.50usd) each visit.  Brooklin has strep for the 2 or third time now...I went to the pharmacy and asked for an antibiotic.  The pharmisist asked a bunch of questions and handed it over without another look from another doctor.  I got bit by something funky a few months ago.  I thought nothing of the swelling and weekly pain until the flesh started falling off my toe.  Yum.
So weeks later I went to the doctor for 50 dirham and he did his magic.  His guess...a scorpion in my tennis shoe...the only reason I wear shoes here.

My dad visited in April and decided to visit the pharmacy for stomach issues.  What I witnessed was the World view of medicine verses America.  The perplexed pharmisist watched my dad window shop for medicine.  He knew he had a stomache issue and gave him a pill but my father wasn't satisfied and was picking up bottles and boxes as if they were unripe fruit in a market.  The pharmist asked him what was wrong and what else he needed.  My dad was looking around for what he might need or thought he could use.  Why would we be looking for medication without an ailment?  I saw that in the look of the pharmist.  I wanted to just say, "We are American.  We love our medication."

As we leave soon, I dred getting back into the American health system especially since things have changed and I have no clue how to navigate the system yet.  I know I'm spoiled on Universal Heath but I'm also satisfied knowing the system is paid for by a rich oil country not in debt.  They don't manufacture anything of significance here in the UAE but they can sure pay for whatever they want.  

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