Sunday, September 29, 2013

School Daze Year 2

Not sure even where to begin. The school year is underway and we are up and running.  We went home this summer to America and that was fun and sad. We had a week of pre-planning which consisted of LOTS of meetings and finally being told what we were teaching and if we did not like it we could leave. Wow! I am teaching grade 2 girls this year instead of grade 5 like last year. These girls are much sweeter, but they are much lower, obviously.  We are starting at the bottom with letters, colors, name writing, etc. Big change!! The most common name among my girls this year is Nora. I have many.  I learned all of their names (all 54) within the first week. Yay me! We had several teachers leave so we are short 4 teachers currently and have received lots of new teachers.  One of the teachers is from the same area as me. Go Villa Rica!! It is such a small world:o) School is kind of crazy right now since we are still in the first month.  We have had about 4 or 5 schedule changes. We just got our new reading books and are still short in every class. I got up the first day of school with little sleep b/c of nerves & excitement, and realized we had no water! Going to school w/o a shower on day one does not instill confidence that all will be okay, but they have fixed that leak on our compound and we are now getting a shower daily.  Fun times I must say.  Now we are just waiting for the second week in October for Eid ( holiday/celebration=week off of school). - Jamie

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